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Institute for the Cycles of Life, LLC 

Deb Torres, LCSW

Birth Doula FAQ

What is a doula?

A doula is a woman who comes along side of a laboring woman and provides emotional and psychological support to her and her partner.

How can they help?

Doulas help in a variety of ways: they provide support, encouragement and non-medical advice to the mom and partner. Doulas can also help navigate through challenging family dynamics while family members are waiting for the baby to be born.

Why do I need one?

In my experience, women need women, and greatly benefit from emotional and psychological support. 

Does insurance pay for a doula?

Some insurance companies do provide reimbursement for doula services.  Clients should contact their providers and inquire.       

Does a doula attend a home birth?

Doulas do attend home births, and they also attend births at hospitals as well. Some of the births I have attended have been at Good Samaritan, Alexian Brothers, Rush Hospital, Elmhurst Hospital, and Evanston hospitals. 

Is a doula present for the entire labor and delivery?

Yes, a doula is present for the birth.  Generally, 4 cm is considered active labor, and the doula should be contacted at that time.  I do have a back up doula in the event that I am not able to be present, and the mom and her partner will have the opportunity to meet her in person or on the phone prior to the birth.

When should I call my doula?

You should call your doula at any time and she will assist with next steps. I am available via text, email or phone for support prior to this time if needed.   Once the doula contract is signed, Deb is on call for two weeks prior to the due date and two weeks after the due date.  

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